We created a free resource assisting families in identifying possible extra funding (grants for Equipment, Essential items, Educational aids, Day trips or short breaks) to help with the extra costs associated with having a disabled child. We are now receiving 2 or 3 requests every day from families asking for help with making applications either for specific grants or with help with DLA and PIP’s. We want to set aside 1 day a week of time for our workers to sit alongside each family to help them secure the extra money needed. Our success to date with applications is 95%
Tag: disabilities
The Knowledge Book Initiative
Our evidence reveals that levels of financial capability in the UK are low. Therefore, by providing enhanced financial capability skills, awareness of energy efficiency, housing rights/responsibilities and tips on tackling the cost-of-living issues, we aim to prevent people from getting into debt and improve their mental health.
Funding will help develop free easy-read resources, available in printed and online versions, that everyone can use. We also aim to deliver free workshops for 6 organisations working with disadvantaged groups. Easy-to-digest sessions within these workshops will especially target young people and individuals with learning disabilities or English as an additional language.
Home Springs Eternal
There is an identified need in our community for essentials that help families and individuals to feel settled at home. As we head into Spring, we want to deliver packages to people to help them during the cost of living crisis. These will include new kettles, toasters, quilts, pillows, bedding, cutlery, blankets, essential kitchen equipment and shower curtains, towels, as well as cleaning and hygiene items. They will be catered for each person/family’s needs and especially for those who are having to move into a home with just days notice – such as fleeing domestic violence, or given asylum.
Onward community drop in activities
We currently run a weekly food aid drop in session that has also gown in to a social gathering opportunity. Apart from supporting people with food items we have become aware of other needs both emotioinal and practical. As part of the drop in we also have Plymouth claiments union who meet every fortnight to support people with benefit advice. We would like to expand with other activities and support to people.
We have had many requests for various other support, both practical and creative and see there is great need. We would like to engauge a community sessional worker.
A Warm Welcome
Finding would enable us to offer a ‘Warm Welcome’ to a new group of adult members who have both mental and physical health issues.
They come to the club an average of 2 sessions per week, to chat, be with others in the same situation and to take part in some physical activity to help releave stress and isolation.
To be able to offer FREE hot drinks and some limited hot food would greatly enhance the sessions for this marginalized group, who are mainly but not exclusively older males.
Working with the group since September has identified the need
CityPlym Coummunity SUpport Hub
Our current initiative was launched in December 2019, in response to the needs of our student community. A group of Access to Higher Education students realised that a group of their peers were struggling financially and were often unable to afford basic food items. To address this issue they approached the students union for assistance in establishing a food bank, a project that has developed swiftly and supported many students, particularly during the lockdown period of COVID. In May 2022, due to the additinal services added (honelessness, personal hygiene, young parents, clothing) our initiative was relaunched: CityPlym Community Support Hub.
Y’s Group
Social isolation can have an enormous impact on people’s health and wellbeing including: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death.
We have established a community group (the Y’s Group) aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness for senior residents aged 65+.
Meeting weekly, the group take part in activities that enable them to improve both their mental and physical health. Activities include arts, crafts, sport and heritage and the residents are accompanied by several students from Discovery College to help develop intergenerational links.