belong in plymouth logo
This network is for:

Anyone that shares the vision for Plymouth being a city where no one feels forgotten. If you want to help tackle social isolation & loneliness, please join the network.

Join by:

Join the network through the link here or contact Karen the Belong in Plymouth Network Connector.

Joining link
Contact email

Isolation, loneliness can affect us all. We know that feeling lonely and cut-off from other people can have a significant impact on both our physical and mental health. There is amazing work happening through the actions of neighbours and organisations across Plymouth but we know that by working together we achieve so much more. Together we belong.

Plymouth is one of 5 projects nationwide that are exploring how to tackle complex health inequalities HTTPS://WWW.KINGSFUND.ORG.UK/PROJECTS/HEALTHY-COMMUNITIES-TOGETHER.

In Plymouth we are developing a network called Belong in Plymouth; connecting individuals who aspire to make Plymouth a city where no one feels forgotten. The sheer scale and complexity of isolation and it’s effects on health mean we cannot carry on working with soundbite answers as solutions. We know we need to explore and search for answers together – NHS, Statutory Services, the VCSE and individual citizens – we all experience isolation, loneliness and connection differently.
Our experiences, carefully told, are powerful. We have to listen to each others stories to open our eyes to  new ways of working. Together we can recognise where the strong relationships are that support and build resilience, and highlight the gaps to create a clear picture of what the needs are.