We had 38 initial sign ups, 5 do not wish to participate anymore, 8 have been in contact but have not yet been able to attend a session and 7 have yet to engage.
We have run the following sessions:
- Three online sessions – 7 collaborators, 9 collaborators, 2 collaborators
- Two face to face sessions – 4 collaborators, 7 collaborators
21 collaborators have connected and engaged over these sessions.
The time commitment so far for collaborators has been:
- Minimum time commitment – 1 hr
- Maximum time commitment – 7 hrs
- Ave time commitment – 2.6
Session design
The online sessions used a mapping exercise and work in pairs to simply meet one another. The face to face workshops continued to help collaborators get to know one another and also explored their hopes for process. For the second workshop we adapted to group need and ran an exercise to help identify areas of interest. The notes taken during the face to face workshops are here.
Throughout we have been very explicit about only focussing on people getting to know one another and hold off getting to specifics too quickly.
- We had to clarify our language and expectations
- Original welcome document – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYyb0vrHjUtSbb1Vr2bME6Hfud35eqgu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107529334459406144496&rtpof=true&sd=true
- New welcome document – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_yc194kHoqlTRdZvJm0S4ko8tKzEbPmz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107529334459406144496&rtpof=true&sd=true
- There is more difficulty creating uniformity in connections due to collaborators availability to attend sessions and workshops. Trying to be as inclusive as possible means we have adapted the sessions and increased the number to try and increase the number of connections we can make between collaborators.
- The hopes and learning we heard from collaborations are highly aligned with assumptions and values driving the programme design.