Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Assembly

VCSE assembly

The VCSE Assembly will create a pool of people and organisations that can be tapped into to inform and influence strategic partnership discussions, co-design of services, policy development, co-commissioning and joint leadership and decision making.  It will also provide a place where anyone can find out what is happening across partnerships through an open and transparent process.

Key principles of the Assembly will be:

  • Entry point is always kept open – anyone can join the Assembly
  • Those with specific interests and strengths will be encouraged to step forward
  • Those that feel they need to be heard will be
  • Digital systems that support the Assembly will be made open by default
  • Collaboration will be encouraged
  • Transparency and honesty will be a priority
  • To concentrate on engagement and not representation
  • To engage with existing local structures where they exist
  • A place that provides peer support and development opportunities for the sector.

The Assembly aims to be a Devon wide collective that represents the best of the sector and will be a vehicle where our voice can be heard and our influence can be made at county level.

If you would like to be a part of the Assembly, please get in touch at info@plymouthoctopus.org.

Working documents can be found here

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