Scoring calculations & final results

First we looked at the preferences given against each criteria. We multiplied each weighting by the number of votes it received. e.g. for grant size the selections were:

Towards small grants

  • 2 votes at 4 
  • 2 votes at 3
  • 2 votes at 2


  • 1 vote at 1

We simply totalled each side and subtracted. We did this for each criteria.

We then weighted these scores by the rankings given. To do this we applied a multiplication of 3 to the top ranked criteria, then 2.5, 2, 1.5 until 1 for the lowest ranked critteria.

This resulted in weightings of:

  • Targeted work X 51
  • Small grants X 34
  • Neighbourhood work X 15
  • Experienced groups X 7.5
  • Established work X 4

Then the given criteria of short term projects was given the same weighting as small grants (x 34). 

For each given response we simply gave the top ranked criteria a score of 1 and distributed as evenly as possible to the bottom ranked criteria which was given a score of zero or close to zero. 

The only criteria we were not able to be formulaic with was the targeted groups criteria because the answers were not from a pick list. In this case we applied our own judgement to this criteria, trying to be as accurate and fair as possible.

Voting was restricted to those that had applied and totalled. The voting rank and scoring rank were combined to give the final ranking and results. 

A full breakdown is below 

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