The Living Room/ session no. 7/ Tales to Live By


The Living Room / Thurs 21st Sept / Light Studios / 7.00-9.15pm

PLEASE NOTE – we’re back to a Thursday!


There are only 20 tickets available for this event so BOOK EARLY!

WHAT’S IT ABOUT?Our Living Room sessions are cosy, comfortable spaces where we gather to build friendship and community through sharing music, stories, poetry and the many other talents of the people who call Plymouth their home. 

Because these evenings are created by and for our local community, each one is different and brings its own surprises – we’ve had experimental art, signalongs, teenage poets, and ageing rockers. All forms of creativity are welcome and so are all forms of people!



At this seventh event in the series, we’ll be celebrating our final time together in our Living Room at the lovely Light Studios, rejoicing in all that we’ve created together on this journey so far.

We’re inviting you to share with us in this celebratory space – a song, poem, reading, story, dance (on the spot), or anything else – that highlights in some way your Living Room experiences, and so it will surely be an evening of many delights and surprises!

We hope you will also join us in our usual exploration of the power of stories and art to bring us together and guide us through shared joys and challenges.


Doors will open at 6:45pm for a 7pm start.

The front entrance to the building will close at 7:15pm. If you arrive late and can’t get in then please call our team member Helen on 07584635747 and she can come down to let you in.

(PARKING: there are free 3-hour parking spaces available in Martin Street car park [just opposite] and the surrounding streets – just make sure you get a ticket from the pay-and-display machine!)