● Plymouth Pride CIC
● Not Alone Plymouth
● Out Youth Plymouth
● Scrapstore Plymouth
Briefly describe your project
Work collaboratively amongst divergent groups to create inclusive spaces where the wider community can then come together for shared education and learning.
Describe what you hope your Collective will achieve
Curate and create a safe space where various demographics of the LGBTQIA+ community, and beyond, can learn about issues that are affecting different groups within the community.
Describe how your Collective formed
Plymouth Pride CIC has actively engaged with as many diverse parts of the LGBTQIA+ communities across Plymouth as they could. From that consultation and outreach it became evident that two groups are often overlooked and underrepresented at Pride events across the country. Plymouth Pride were approached by two of those groups to work together on how to ensure they have representation at this year’s Pride event. The ‘youth’ end of the community is very keen on an upcycling activity with Scrapstore.
Which collaboration “shape” do you expect will best describe your project?
PLATFORM –An organisation, supported by others, that generates opportunities for self-expression by individuals or organisations.
In which areas would you expect most of your grant to be spent?
Events, Marketing / Promotion, Outsourcing Expertise