Current stage: Awarded


  • Sky Space Team Development CIC
  • Diversity Business Incubator CIC
  • Being in Circle CIC
  • Trauma Informed Network


Briefly describe your project.

The PREP21 Collective will bring together practitioners representing different approaches to relational practice, identify the value and strengths of each and build a process that allows the city to benefit from new ways of working with relationship that can only emerge when practitioners collaborate. This will create the potential for wider impact in Plymouth. From this place, the needs of organisations, communities, networks and partnerships can be met by deliberately integrated and tailored programmes that better fit those needs than ‘off the shelf’ approaches.


Describe what you hope your Collective will achieve.

The PREP21 Collective will bring together practitioners representing different approaches to relational practice [Circle Work, Inclusive Leadership, Trauma Informed Practice, Restorative Practice, Relationship Systems Coaching, Appreciative Enquiry etc], identify the value and strengths of each and build a process that allows the city to benefit from new ways of working with relationship that can only emerge when practitioners collaborate.

This will create the potential for wider impact in Plymouth. When practitioners understand each other, trust each other, have a clear sense of the strengths and limitations of each approach, they can collaborate to meet real world needs as they are. From this place, the needs of organisations, communities, networks and partnerships can be met by deliberately integrated and tailored programmes that better fit those needs than ‘off the shelf’ approaches.

By getting involved with PREP21 our amazing – but sometimes siloed – relational practitioner communities can explore what it means to evolve beyond competence in any one model, to a place of innovation where together we can help drive the wider field of relational practice forward.

We believe the ripple effects of such a collaboration could be significant in their capacity to unlock the benefits of stronger, more compassionate, creative, and resilient relationships

between people, generations, communities, cultures, organisations, and partnerships at every level in the city. This will move Plymouth closer to being recognised and experienced as a city of ‘Relational Excellence’ – where we rise towards our potential together, in relationship, ready to meet the myriad of challenges the 21st century will continue to throw at us.

All the early-stage contributors to the PREP21 Collective are already active in Plymouth, working in a range of contexts from economic, cultural and community participation, to organisational development, collaborative leadership, cultural cohesion, and recovery following trauma. We believe that by coming together something special can happen that benefits us all individually, socially, culturally, and economically.

We’re also going to leave the door open so that once we’ve got the ball rolling others can join in. That way the PREP21 Collective – which stands for ‘Plymouth Relational Excellence Project for the 21st Century’ can evolve from a collective, to a community, to a culture that Plymouth can benefit from for many years to come.


Together we will:

• Build a set of purposefully designed collaborative principles.

• Share approaches, understandings, experiences, and challenges of our work as relational practitioners.

• Journal the process and provide feedback to the wider network.

• Identify and follow-up on opportunities for integrating and expanding our work.

• Engage with potential beneficiaries and explore delivery opportunities.

• Invite others into the Collective as observers, connectors, and contributors.


Describe how your Collective formed.

We have been building our relationship, talking and collaborating over the last year. We’re working together because we value each other as people, respect each other as practitioners. We’ve also been encouraged by the positive feedback we have received for for the PREP21 concept from other relational practitioners who want to get involved once the foundations have been laid by this initial piece of work.

What strengths and skills are each person bringing?

Stephane Kolinsky & Martyn Lowesmith – Sky Space Team Development CIC

Stephane is a certified Organisation and Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC), holds a Level 7 Diploma in Executive Coaching and Mentoring and has experience developing co creative relational approaches to working with marginalised group.

Martyn has extensive global experience as an organisational development specialist working on culture change. He is also a trained Psychologist, relationship coach with experience of [addiction] recovery coaching.

Liliane Uwimana – Diversity Business Incubator CIC

Liliane holds a degree in Business Management founder of the ‘Girls to Women’ mentoring and networking project. She has also studied Psychology and is an Organisation and Relationship Systems Coach.

Helen Williams – Care Nest/Being In Circle

Helen is a facilitator grounded in the practices of dialogue, mindfulness, somatics, and commoning. She is Director of ‘Being in Circle CIC’ and ‘The Care Nest’ in Union Street and has also completed the ‘Warrior for the Human Spirit’ training programme with Margaret Wheatley.

Vicky Brooks – The Trauma Informed Network

Vicky previously worked with the Harbour Centre in Plymouth and has a passion for Trauma informed practice and plays in a central role in Plymouth’s Trauma informed Network.

While Vicky is too busy to spend as much time as she would like in the collective ‘building phase’, she is keen to support, promote and get involved downstream