Marine Edibles

Current stage: Awarded

  • Conscious Sisters CIC
  • Fisher’s Footsteps
  • Creative Arts Therapy Devon CIC
Briefly describe your project
We aim to enable shore communities to consume more of the free, healthy and sustainable food in our sea and on our shoreline. Teaching people living close to the sea, skills to catch and cook fish, forage at the shoreline and grow food at home. Marine Edibles is a research project, an experiment which hopes to deliver a fresh, creative and collaborative approach to eating fish, seafood and our coastline bounty.
During the first round, POP members will be asked to advise you. What advice would be most helpful?
Who has experience of monitoring a change in eating habits. How have they evaluated this change? Do you have resources you can share?
Describe what you hope your Collective will achieve
We aim to bring together a variety of skills and a creative approach to problem solving to explore how you can change eating habits. This is a home-grown pilot project exploring what benefits can be gleaned from collaboration. We are passionate about food and ambitious about changing perceptions. We are also ambitious and have a shared reputation for delivering high quality projects.
Marine Edibles is committed to Sustainable Fish: A campaign to protect precious marine environments and fishing livelihoods, and call for fish to be bought from sustainable sources. We want to show what can be done if people and organisations make a concerted effort to change their buying habits.
Describe how your Collective formed
We have worked together before but not as a collective. We are a group of community-minded practitioners and organisations who share common values and ideas. This project evolved out of a previous project called Clan-Kind which focused on connecting people to nature. Some but not all of the experts were sourced from this work. Marine Edibles is working with a range of new and inspiring professionals.
Which collaboration “shape” do you expect will best describe your project?
HUB AND SPOKE – Like a bike wheel, one organisation holds things together at the centre, while other organisations perform specific tasks
In which areas would you expect most of your grant to be spent?
Training / Education