
Current stage: Awarded


  • Art & Energy
  • Fotonow
  • Plymouth Energy Community
  • Plymouth Culture

Briefly describe your project

We want to create an online community space which inspires creativity and leads to steps to help the environment… a space to hold conversations, share ideas and celebrate successes.

BuryTheGiant.Club is a free social/learning platform for anyone who wants to be creative and respond to the climate emergency. Carbon looms large; the giant of our times. Inspiring creative prompts and resources will bring people together to find courage to co-create a brighter, greener future. Through collaboration with creative partners across the city, the club will benefit people all over Plymouth. The platform will support creatives and POP members to make content that reaches people and overcomes barriers to participation. It will become self-sustaining into the future. This funding will help us to set up the partnership and infrastructure.

Describe what you hope your Collective will achieve

How can being creative make a difference? Members of our club can contribute to research and work together to share knowledge and find answers to bring about a brighter, greener future.

Everyone can be creative and everyone has their own unique way of doing things! Let’s celebrate each other’s efforts and brilliant differences as we face the future together.

The club will offer:

  • Online and in-person events that bring people together to explore energy issues in their lives through creativity
  • A Journey to being creative in response to the climate emergency
  • Prompts and resources
  • Challenges, quests and opportunities
  • Social online spaces to share
  • Ways to collaborate and co-design
  • Polls and quizzes to feed in to the development of the club

This funding will enable us to:

  • Draw up MOU with Partners / Steering group
  • Hold a consultation event to invite other POP members to join in
  • Develop Brand identity and guidelines
  • Develop invitations to join in and partners pack
  • Set up Mighty Networks (Art and Energy have secured £2k from Cosmic for this)
  • Prepare content including:
    • Welcome pages and video
    • Data collection and analysis system
    • Initial ice-breaker questions
    • A creative surprise as a welcome gift
  • Deliver monthly content (Art and Energy have secured £25k from Arts Council for this)

Describe how your Collective formed

The Art and Energy Collective and Plymouth Energy Community have collaborated on creative engagement projects since 2018 and many of these have been documented by FotoNow.

The BuryTheGiant.Club project follows our MothsToAFlame mass-participation art installation for COP26 which involved 58,000 people from Plymouth and beyond.

Together, we have learnt how to develop and deliver enjoyable creative prompts online for people to do at home or with their groups.

This project will build on what we’ve learned bringing together even more people and new Collective Members Plymouth Culture and the University of Plymouth to create an even richer and more sustainable offer for our city.

This project will bring together people from across the city, sharing expertise, new ideas and hope. It will put Plymouth on the map, celebrating our pioneering heritage and looking forward to a sustainable future.

Which collaboration “shape” do you expect will best describe your project?

PLATFORM –An organisation, supported by others, that generates opportunities for self-expression by individuals or organisations.

In which areas would you expect most of your grant to be spent on?

Research / Pilot