We’re excited to announce that POP is looking for a partner to work on a commission with us. We have four aims for this partnership:
- Help capture and evaluate the impact of collaboration in Plymouth.
- Communicate this successfully and succinctly.
- Bring people together around the findings and to celebrate the work of POP.
- Contribute or lead a discussion to support the reimagining of how Plymouth could operate in the future.
We are seeking a partner organisation to work with POP to achieve this. It is important that the partner can demonstrate the same commitment to collaboration as POP does and shares, in your own way, the aims above. We want to work with you in collaboration to achieve a shared goal.
Click here for more information.
Please respond to matt@plymouthoctopus.org with an expression of interest. – by 24th June. We do NOT need any submissions at this stage.
- We hope to conclude partner selection by the end of July.
- Evidence gathering and engagement over August & September
- POP celebration – POPs AGM is on the 4th October at which we want to present some outputs from the work and use this as the celebration of our work – even if they are not the finish pieces
- October & November – production of final outputs and city wide discussion of outputs.